Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How Often Do You Go There?

How often do you go there? How often do you look at your life and admit that you deserve better or that you deserve more? Is it just when something you perceive as negative is going on? And how often is that? What about when things are good or just you still feel that they could be better?

How often do you realize the sheer miracle that you represent? A basic understanding of the way humans reproduce reveals that you are quite literally one in a million. Then you couple that with the fact that you, the you of you, whatever it is that is here now reading this and that animates your living body and is gone when you are dead, showed up as a human being. No one knows how all of that stuff really works but your parents didn't choose you so it stands to reason that if anything, you chose them! And, if you came here as a human you could have just as easily come as a flower or a dog or cat and chose a nice home for yourself with nice owners and so on. Of course you did none of that and instead you chose to show up as you.

What all was involved with that? How much desire and will and energy does it take to actually incarnate here? Who knows? Whatever it took, I can tell you that once you did it, you were only getting started with the work. You showed up in your mom's belly and lived a blissful existence for nearly a year; maybe taking a breather after all the energy you spent incarnating. Then you were born and you spent a year or two figuring out that you were separate from your mom and that you are actually you! You also had to figure out gravity and and how to get around and how to eat and to meet people and other forms of life. You learned how to read and write and how to climb a tree. You skint your knees and broke bones and learned about the apparent finality of life through the death of loved ones. You did some things that resulted in spankings or being grounded or, later on, in breaking your heart and you did all of these things because you had to.

You had to do all of those things, whether they were pleasant or not, because you were doing the best you could with the information you had at the time. Would you do it exactly the same way now with the information you currently have? Of course not. And thankfully so, because you had to do all of those things exactly the way you did them in order to be who you are right now. And you are perfect, just the way you are. You recognizing, realizing, and accepting this truth is the key that unlocks the door to a world where you have the life you desire and deserve. Then you must simply walk through the door.

Have a great day!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Whole Faith

I trust you're enjoying taking your action steps. Here's the formula again: Thoughts=>Feelings=>Actions=>Results. As you can see, the final component of our formula is "results". And of course the results you are getting are you living the life that you intended for yourself through your vision backed by purpose. The life of your dreams!

When you are working with the Law of Cause and Effect, you are working with the most magical power that there is! This law calls you to recognize that you have the power to express and experience whatever you want in your life. And, to realize that you already use it and have always used it albeit used unconsciously for most people in most cases.

That said, once you have moved into action there may be a time delay between your taking the action and the results actually showing up. This is because even the most magical aspect of life must work along the established lines of trade and commerce and it always abides by the other natural laws of the Universe. While money does indeed fall from the sky (and does so quite often according to Google), it got up in the sky to begin with somehow.

Through the power of right thinking and taking the appropriate action you may be able to cause large sums of gold to be present in your experience, for example. However, it is not likely that you will sit on your couch meditating and this gold will magically appear on your coffee table to be there when you open your eyes. It is more likely that while you are mediating, the doorbell will ring and the Brinks tuck will be backing up to your front door with the gold because of some action you had taken. The point is that the subject of your plan definitely and absolutely comes into your experience as a result of your actions so long your thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment with your vision and purpose. And, of course it does so by established means and not through some sort of hocus pocus. While the arrangement of the means may be or at least seem to be magical, the actual means and the components thereof are certainly natural. And, sometimes their arrangement and orchestration takes time.

This is great because it gives us time to get feedback prior to the results showing up, whether the feedback is internal or external. Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom. As we move along our path by taking action in the direction of our purpose, we are constantly gaining wisdom. Our perspective constantly changes based on this wisdom gained. So we may choose to change directions if for example, we discover someone could be hurt as a result of what we are doing. This wisdom guides us to mold and evolve our plan as we go along.

The down side is that when our results don't automatically and instantly show up after we've taken action, we sometimes feel like they aren't coming. We must admit that most of us pretty much live in an instant gratification culture with instant messages and text messages, emails that come to our phones which we can also use to speak to someone on the other side of the world at any moment of our choosing. I'm not saying these modern conveniences are bad. Just that this cultural evolution may have something to do with our expectation of instant results.

Sometimes we're crystal clear that we have taken action in the direction of what we want. We can clearly see that the action was correct and we expect the desired results to show up. Even in these cases, there is a time delay or "gap" as I have come to call it. It is up to us to fill in these gaps with something and we apparently have two choices. One is that we can fill in the gaps with fear. In other words, we can sit and worry or create the scenario in our heads of how it will never happen or not work out to our advantage. Or we can fill in the gaps with faith. We can know for sure that this is working out to our advantage, that everything goes right for us. The type of faith we use here is called "whole faith".

Whole faith is faith with gratitude. You must remember that the Thoughts=>Feelings=>Actions=>Results process is not four different things. It is ONE THING. This means that by simply having the thoughts and creating the vision, you are automatically connected with the results. Automatically. I cannot emphasize this enough. The moment the thought is born, the result is born also. So your vision already exists. You are now somewhere in the process of it becoming visible in your awareness of life.

Whole faith means, "I am so happy and grateful now that my vision is my reality and it is happening in my life right now. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" It is happening right now. It's not "gonna happen" one day, some day off in the future somewhere. It's absolutely happening right now! So you be grateful for it right now. Someone who can take possession and be truly grateful for what they have, only in imagination, can have whatever they want in life.

And remember that you'll have inspired action to take and you'll also have things that happen that do not look like they match the outcome of your plan. Both of these types of things are in the same category. The name of the category is "the unexpected" and this is one of the most valuable parts of the path. Just remember that the unexpected thing that happens, whether you label it "good" or "bad" is an absolutely necessary part of your growth and you cannot reach your desired outcome without it. So be just as grateful for the "bad" as you are for the "good".

That's the whole story! This is the way life works so far as I am aware. Use this formula to create the life that you want to see when you open your eyes. I know you can do it! I believe in you! And everyone around you will too if you will first believe in yourself.