Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Clarity and Abundance

Lack is the effect of confusion. Clarity is the cause of abundance.

If financial lack is the effect being experienced then clarify first where money is being spent by organizing your expenses. If there is still apparent lack after this process then look at other potential streams of income and perhaps a different job or career. Make whatever changes are necessary and get what you want!

If lack of harmony in a relationship is being experienced then clarify the relationship by organizing it. List the components of the relationship from your perspective and ask yourself how you can change to create the desired effect in each category. Or if you are not in a relationship and wish to be in one, list the components of your ideal relationship and begin the process of embodying the person who is in that relationship. In either case, make the changes and get the results you want!

If lack of good health is being experienced then clarify your approach to health by organizing it. Organize your diet. Look to see where there could be more balance. Fill in spaces for vitamins and minerals that will improve your overall health that you were not giving yourself before. Organize your exercise routine. If you don't have an exercise routine then create one. Change what you can and get what you want!

Two main points to remember:

1) You are always at the point of choice. You are choosing to be where you are right now; good, bad, or indifferent. You are choosing who you are there with and you are choosing what you are doing. You're even choosing how those around you are treating you based on your behavior. Expecting something outside of you to change just because you will it to with no effort on your part is generally an exercise in futility.

2) You live in a Universe governed by the Law of Cause and Effect. This Law is always working whether you are conscious of it or not. Gravity is one example of the Law of Cause and Effect in action. Gravity is a Law that is always working. It does not matter whether you are asleep or awake, sad or happy, hungry or full; the Law is not affected by your attitude or mood. It is a blind force that does not think; it acts only. It is always doing what it does, period. The way we can best put this Law of Cause and Effect to use for our benefit is by changing ourselves. This starts with our thoughts. Change yourself and by law your world must change accordingly.

Take a long look at your life. Organize the parts that aren't working and give yourself a high-five for the parts that are. Manage your perceptions by setting intentions aligned with your desired outcomes. Stop looking outside of yourself for satisfaction of any kind. Each individual sees you exactly the way you see yourself in relation to that individual. Write everything out and get crystal clear. Put in the time and effort. Just as the size of the harvest is a reflection of the effort used to get the crops in the ground and tend them, your reward that is your life is a constant reflection of your effort in building it. This is the key to living the life you came here to live! All the best! -z