Now if you've clarified your vision and backed it with a strong purpose for achieving your vision, you are ready for the next step. Think back to the original formula from my "Abundance is take it!" post. Here it is again: Thoughts=>Feelings=>Actions=>Results. The first step is "Thoughts". This step is taken by forming your vision of having whatever it is that you want. The next step is "Feelings". You took this step when you developed your purpose for having whatever it is that you want and became emotionally involved with your vision.
Many times while practicing the "I'm so happy and grateful now that..." exercise while seeing ourselves already having what we want and feeling the feelings this causes, we will have ideas pop into our minds. Often these ideas involve resources we already have or resources that are readily available to us that we hadn't thought of previously. The idea just gives us a new way that hadn't occurred to us before to pull everything together to create some income or cash flow. These ideas are our directions for taking the next step in the process: ACTION!
We've thought about what we want and enjoyed the feelings of already having it. These feelings set our subconscious mind to work straight away to find the fastest, easiest, most harmonious way to match our environment with our feelings. There is always some amount of work involved because action is required to "pull everything together" or tap into the "resources that are readily available". I mean, even if money falls right out of the sky (which has happened for some friends of mine...50's and 100's falling from the sky on overpass, no airplane, no helicopter...just cash:) you still have to take action by reaching out and grabbing it!
This action is different from anything you've done previously though. It feels different. You'll very much enjoy the work, whatever work is necessary, because it is coming from inside of you. The action will be in alignment with who you are and what you came here to do; you're life's purpose.
This is my favorite part of the process because I love action! And if you are taking action then it makes sense to have a plan. Having a plan is very important because it gives you the opportunity to further clarify your vision and purpose. By having a plan, you've put in the time to figure out exactly how you want to go about achieving this outcome. This clarity allows you to walk more confidently in the direction of your vision because the plan involves steps for you to take. And, you can see how you can take these steps to get to where you want to be.
That said, I have yet to meet anyone who has had the foresight to create a plan that does not change and evolve somewhat along the way. This is because in order to be a successful plan, it must include other people. Creating money in your experience is generally accomplished through providing a service and or product that some other person accepts in exchange for money. There are of course other ways that money can flow into our lives and it is a good idea to be open to all of them. One thing all avenues for wealth have in common is that they all include other people.
Let's say that your plan includes allying yourself with a specific person for a specific reason that is vital to the plan. If this person happens to not willingly go along with you then your choices are to quit or to change the plan to include asking someone else. I recommend the latter. This means your plan must be flexible.
As you continue to see and feel your vision and take the steps in your plan, you will have experiences whereby you are impelled into what is called "inspired action". These are action steps that are not necessarily included in the plan. You will meet someone or be somewhere in a situation and something will happen that gives you the opportunity to take an unplanned step. Or a step you did plan, just taken in a way that is different from what you planned. This is perfectly normal and you should definitely follow your instincts in these situations. Having the plan gives you the confidence to do so. This is because you can simply look at the anticipated outcome of the surprise step and if this outcome is in alignment with the outcome of your plan then by all means take it!
So be diligent in looking for cues in life pointing you along in the right direction. When you receive an idea for immediate inspired action, take it. Try not to over think it or second guess or doubt whether it will work or not because placing your thoughts and attention in those sort of places can cause your life to grow in the direction of things not working out. Instead remain very clear that you are having these ideas for a reason. Power is always seeking expression. These ideas have come from within you and you are the one who knows the most about your life. Take the next step! In the mean time, stick to your plan as a track to run on and be flexible enough to make the minor changes when necessary.
Have fun with this and of course if you find you would benefit from some additional guidance you can always reach me via email: or on facebook: Zebulon Fry or the LifeMasters fan page. My next post will include the final step of the process. Until then I wish you all the best!