Saturday, June 25, 2011


If you've been doing the "I'm so happy and grateful now that..." exercise everyday for the past few days then you are probably feeling pretty awesome right about now! Writing is such a powerful exercise because it crystallizes your thought and makes it real; the thought officially takes form and is real once it moves from abstract thought into concrete reality as the words written on paper. Writing about your ideal life in the present tense and enjoying the feelings this generates is taking a huge step towards living it!

Taking this step is so huge because you are actually thinking about what you want in life. This picture of what your ideal life looks like is your vision for yourself. Creating a vision for your life is a key component of achieving the success you are moving towards because the vision is where you are going. How can you ever expect to get to where you want to be unless you are clear about exactly where that is?

Many times when we start the "I'm so happy and grateful now that..." exercise, we write about having all of the "stuff" we want e.g. the car, the house, the vacations, the shopping sprees, etc. These things are great and have incredible value because they provide opportunities to benchmark our success. What's more is that once these things begin to show up in your life because of this simple shift in your focus, you start to really understand just how powerful you are! This is a great exercise to incorporate into your daily routine and keep it there indefinitely because what we want in life tends to change and evolve over time. This activity keeps your eyes on the ball.

Once you feel you have a crystal clear and complete picture of your ideal life right now then you are ready for the next step. Your vision is complete. You have taken the time to build the picture in your mind of exactly what you want to see when you open your eyes. And, you are able to recall this picture at any moment and you do so often. The next question is: WHY do you want what you want?

This "WHY" has to be incredibly strong. It has to be powerful and motivational! This "WHY" is what gets you out of bed in the morning and it's the last thing on your mind at night when you are drifting off to sleep. This "WHY", whatever it is, gets you emotionally involved with your vision and keeps you there. This is the purpose back of your vision.

A vision is merely day dreaming and castle building unless it has a solid purpose back of it. So now that you are crystal clear on your vision, get crystal clear on why you chose this particular vision. What do you intend to do? The general outline for your purpose as it relates to humanity is: More good to all and less to none. This outline maintains the integrity of your purpose and there is plenty of "wiggle room" within this general framework for you to clearly express your purpose.

Your purpose for your vision is not for someone else, it is for you. Even if you think it is for someone else like a parent, a lover, your children, a friend or to "show" someone who apparently didn't believe in you in the past, it's not. It's for you! How you interact with your all of these people and how you and your family live from day to day will certainly change as this process unfolds. I can assure you with complete certainly however that if your desire is to be more now, then even if none of these people were in the picture you would still want to be more.

So work with this and figure out why it is that you want what you want. Here are a couple sets of questions you can ask yourself to get moving in the right direction:

1) What do I like to do? Why do I like to do it?

2) If I had $100 million dollars in the bank, what would I be doing right now? What would I do tomorrow? Who's life do I want to impact in a positive way?

Purpose is such a very important part of this process that enough really can't be said about it. It is the meat of the sandwich so to speak, the fuel in the engine. If you get stuck or want to share you thoughts on this part in exchange for honest feedback then by all means contact me via email: or facebook: Zebulon Fry or the LifeMasters Fan Page.

Work on this as long as it takes and keep shaping your vision as you go along with the "I'm so happy and grateful now that..." exercise. My next post will have advice on where we go once we have our vision solidly backed by our purpose for it. Cheers!

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